Three years have passed since the last film, "Moana and the Legend of the Sea.
Moana has grown up a little since the birth of her younger sister Simea, and lives with her beloved family and friends on the island. One day, she meets a man who tells her, "People used to be connected by the sea, but they were torn apart by a god who hates humans. She learns of a legend that if she reaches an island at the end of the sea, the curse will be lifted and the world will be united again. Moana sets out on a voyage to restore the bonds that have been torn between the people, but it is an adventure so full of danger that if she attempts to approach the island, she "may not make it back alive. She may never see her young sister Simea or her family again... But to protect those she loves, Moana decides, "I have to do it," and overcomes her doubts and conflicts to embark on an endless journey. Moana, you are not alone," Maui, the demigod and half-human who became her partner in the previous film, pushes her, and Grandma Tara, who has been a good friend and emotional support, gives her courage to set out on a new adventure with her new friends on the island.
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