Doctor X" is a medical drama series that has aired on TV Asahi for seven series since October 2012. The series follows the activities of a lone freelance surgeon, Michiko Daimon, who is not a member of a university hospital's medical office, but rather works for a dubious referral agency for excellent doctors, while traveling to various hospitals, played by Ryoko Yonekura, the lead actress in the series. The film is a medical drama about Michiko Daimon, a lone freelance surgeon who is a genius.
Daimon Michiko, a freelance genius surgeon, leaves Japan to save the life of the president of a certain country. At the same time, a new young hospital director, Hiroto Kozu, appears at the Totei University Hospital. Hiroto is a brilliant surgeon and has good contacts in political and business circles, and his twin brother, Takato, has financial backing from a medical development company. The doctors and nurses are fired one after another as a major order for thorough streamlining is issued. When her former colleague Morimoto recalls her to the Totei University Hospital, Michiko and Hiroto hit it off, but after meeting Michiko's mentor Akira, Hiroto's face changes. What is Hiroto's real purpose in coming to Teito University? Meanwhile, Morimoto flies alone to Kure, Hiroshima, to find out about Michiko's past. There, Morimoto discovers the unknown secret (roots) of Daimon Michiko's birth. As Michiko, Akira, and Hiroto's pasts become intertwined, Michiko faces the greatest crisis in her history! She is prepared to have her medical license revoked, and takes on the challenge of a "devil's operation. She will never give up on a patient, no matter how tough the operation is. She will never give up on a patient, no matter how tough the operation is.
Official site