Virtual Night SHOWCASE


Experience the Future of Otaku Culture in Tokyo with “Virtual Night SHOWCASE”

Are you ready for an unparalleled adventure into the heart of Japanese pop culture? “Virtual Night SHOWCASE” is here to transform your visit to Japan into an unforgettable journey through the vibrant world of VTubers, anime songs, and the dazzling art of wotagei with glow sticks.

オタクカルチャーの未来を東京で体験 “Virtual Night SHOWCASE”

日本のポップカルチャーの核心に迫る比類なき冒険の準備はできていますか?“Virtual Night SHOWCASE”は、VTuber、アニメソング、光る棒を使ったヲタ芸など、活気あふれる世界を通して、あなたの来日を忘れられない旅に変えます。

Concept: “Showcase of Otaku, Kawaii, Japan Pop Culture”

Our event is built around a simple yet profound idea: "Entertainment that transcends language barriers. We provide a space where you can immerse yourself in the essence of Japanese pop culture just by being there! For our 1st performance, we're diving deep into the world of “Wotagei” with glow sticks, offering a futuristic visual and experiential light show that promises to captivate. Coupled with a VTuber's anime song live performance, you're not just an observer but an active participant, dancing along with the guidance of professional wotagei dancers and the energy of VTubers.

コンセプト :「オタク、カワイイ、ジャパンポップカルチャーのショーケース」

私たちのイベントは、「言語の壁を超えたエンターテイメント」というシンプルかつ奥深いアイディアのもとに成り立っています。そこにいるだけで日本のポップカルチャーのエッセンスに浸れる空間を提供します!第1回目となる今回は、「ヲタ芸 」の世界に深く入り込み、光る棒を使った近未来的なビジュアルと体験型の光のショーで魅了します。VTuberによるアニソンライブパフォーマンスと相まって、プロのヲタ芸ダンサーの指導とVTuberのエネルギーに包まれながら、観客は単なる観察者ではなく、一緒に踊る能動的な参加者となる。

Highlights of “Virtual Night SHOWCASE”
“Virtual Night SHOWCASE”の見どころ

Hybrid Virtual and Live Performances:

Come and experience the mind-blowing 'Otaku, Japan Pop Culture' stage, brought to life by cutting-edge virtual entertainment and breathtaking live performances!



Awesome Theme - Wotagei:

Breaking beyond the traditional idol fandom, wotagei has evolved into a leading-edge light show culture. This event not only showcases this unique art form but invites you to be part of the action.



Interactive Experience:

Join the Wotagei dance with the smash hit Anime songs in the show! And don`t worry, you can learn wotagei perfectly during this show ,too!



Cutting-Edge Visuals:

The show kicks off with a cyberpunk-inspired virtual reality video set in Shinjuku, a hotspot for international visitors. It promises a spectacular visual experience that blends futuristic elements, virtual technology, and kawaii/pop aesthetics



Why Attend?

"Virtual Night SHOWCASE" is more than just a show, it is a bridge to the future of Japanese pop culture. It promises an immersive experience for those interested in Japanese pop culture with the thrill of live performances and cutting-edge virtual entertainment. Please enjoy the extraordinary experience that unfolds daily at "Virtual Night SHOWCASE".


「Virtual Night SHOWCASE」は単なるショーではなく、日本のポップカルチャーの未来への架け橋です。日本のポップカルチャーに興味のある方に、ライブパフォーマンスと最先端バーチャルエンターテインメントのスリルと没入感をお約束します。Virtual Night SHOWCASE」で日々繰り広げられる非日常体験をお楽しみください。

Event schedule
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